Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Geeks strikes back! INTERNEPCON JAPAN

Hello Ozzies!

Friday 22nd I didn't go to work. Oh, I'm sooooo sorry for all of you who had to sit on the desk looking at an empty screen (or a screen full of numbers and letters, both are good for me). You know why? The group in which I'm working in Schlumberger was going to an electronics fair called INTERNEPCON JAPAN, and my supervisor asked me if I wanted to join. Do I want? Of course I do! Never been in such kind of family reunions (I have to admit it, start considering electronics my family may be a good idea...), so I thought I should give it a try.

I took this photo on the way there: the fair was located in Odaiba, an artificial island in Tokyo Bay, and in order to get there you need a...monorrail! As the wisest TV series says : "Lyle Lanley: Well, sir, there's nothing on earth Like a genuine, Bona fide, Electrified, Six-car Monorail! What'd I say? Ned Flanders: Monorail! ")

But what is INTERNEPCON JAPAN? Easy question! It's "Asia's largest electronics exhibition, featuring all kinds of equipment, materials and technologies for electronics manufacturing and SMT" (I'm quoting directly from the website of the event). Here's the web page, if you're thaaaaaat interested.

Here's the entrance to the building, and the building. Impressive, hum?

I suppose going to such events is something you have to do at least once in your life. Very interesting...if you like cables, transducers, cable sockets, fiber optics, and that stuff. If they give me some more years, I may find them interesting. Now...well, let's say it's not my piece of cake. Plus, you have to take into account that everything was in Japanese! Not sexy stuff +  info in Japanese + a lot of electro geeks swarming around, gathering near weird machines and automates = ... you get the point.

 The entrance...what are we going to find behind?....

To a certain extent, it was pretty much like going to a video games exhibition (or at least I think the target audience is pretty much the same, lol.). The omnipresent stand attendants were, of course, once again present:

Anyway, there were some interesting things (like a 3D TV that you could watch in 3D without using glasses), and it was a good opportunity to see how Japanese did business and behave in such events. Meishis (professional cards) were flying around everywhere, since otherwise the stands would not give you goodies (they have to make sure they have a mail address to spam).

Oh! And there was an assembling competition! Electronics gathered around, encouraging their favorite company's team in the race for the fastest electronic board assembler in history! Lol

Here are some videos with the highlights, and some photos too.

And after a looooooong visit, we all went to a nearby izakaya! Since the fair was located very near the Tsukiji market, here izakayas have very fresh fish. Here's the door of ours:

See you Ozzies!

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