Wednesday, September 16, 2009

True Story!

Hello Ozzies!

Ok, this one is going to be a quick one. Have you ever heard this kind of stories about the friend of someone's friend, in which incredible things happened, and you end up thinking that someone pulled your friend's leg, because the thing is so unbelievably crazy that it can't be true?

Well, here's another one you can add to your list. The only difference is that this one is really true. It is happening now to one of the Vulcanus students. I won't say names because I don't think it is nice (and anyway you don't know these people, so there's no point in telling you).

We've all heard stories about the 80's in Japan, when you could spend like 10,000€ in two drinks in a bar, if you weren't careful enough to check the prices...Well, something similar just happened, but with mobile phones. A guy received a couple of days ago a call from the phone company, telling him that he owed Softbank....1.500.000¥!!!!! If we make the conversion, that is something around 10.750€. In only 36 hours! I wouldn't be able to spend so much money in so little time using my phone, even if I could. And this is true, I swear it! Shall Dorothy die instantly if I don't tell you the truth (she's not around for the moment, so there's no problem).

It happens that the guy didn't know that there's a special configuration for using Internet in Japan...He had an Internet plan, but not correctly configured. And since he was using a European phone with a Japanese SIM card, the configuration was not done by default...

We don't know what is going to happen next, but for the moment he owes quite a lot of money. Suggestions (and donations) are kindly appreciated! I think drug dealing or prostitution could sort him out, but hey!, maybe there's another, kindler solution...

So watch out for you mobile phones, and don't see too many Youtube videos on the phone!

Sleep tight Ozzies! I'm going to bed, but first I'm taking a quick look at my phone contract...


SeRGiNaToR said...

WOW! So maybe he has been surfing on the net with his phone and using Spanish networks or something like that???
Well, he has a wonderful 15.000€ scholarship so...
But it's a pity

Pauletta said...

I think if that happened to me I'd start crying, and then shouting, and then I'd try to hide from everyone because I would have real fear to be founded by police who has been searching for me all around Japan...I'd end up like Marlon Brando in Apocalypsis Now...hidden from the world...and I think I'd finally end up killing myself with some strange object...but...don't's just a bill, what can be worse?...