Sunday, May 31, 2009

To begin with...

Well, here we are! As I promised, here comes the blog of my adventures. Easier than mail, cooler than Facebook!

As you all know, I have been accepted in the Vulcanus in Japan Program for 2009/2010. If you don't know it, well...just give me your adress and mail so that I can spam your life until you know it! Anyway, it's my fault...I should have hired one of those super planes that write with smoke in the sky. It's just that they run out of them around here!

So, back to the point! Before getting started, I want to thank you my family and all of my friends. Guys, this wouldn't have been possible without you, and you know it. Thanks for the support, for all that help when things seemed impossible. for the calls from telephone booths (yep, that's the translation for "locutorio"), for the origamis, for everything! What I will be writing in here is not just the story of my amazing adventures (though they are going to be quite amazing, that's for sure), but our story. You made me who I am, and this is our trip! Except that only me is But I also want to thank all those anonimous readers that will come and go. Those that will really make this blog worth living! I hope that you have a great time reading what will be posted. As this is a communal project, all remarks, questions and commentaries are more than welcomed! 

During the life of this blog (which I hope will be an ever-lasting one), I will try to show all the different aspects of the Japanese culture and lifestyle. Cultural differences, hints, things to take into consideration before and while in Japan, and so on. I hesitated between writing in Spanish or in English, but in order to make a compromise between France and Spain, I've chosen modern Latin. That way everybody can read it. So no excuses! If you know me, then you have to read me...else I will ask the Toto to eat your legs. And believe, he's not the cute small puppy of the film anymore...

So, why bothering reading my blog, when there are tons and tons of blogs about Vulcanus students (specially Spanish ones!) telling their lifes during the programme? Because mine is best! Because I'm cooooooooooool. But most of all, because we have Toto! And Tin Man, and Lion, and Scarecrow...

So, let the journey begin...

  She isn't coming yet, Toto. Did she hurt you? She tried to, didn't she?  Come on -- we'll go tell Uncle Henry and Auntie Em. 
Come on, Toto.